I can try and not make this a cargo tree
but I want to thank the fantastic libraries that are in the Rust ecosystem and people/projects that
have made this project achievable.
- My wife - for letting me attach an antenna to a window on our house and on my car ;)
- @sharkswitharms and contributors for deku
- @myrrlyn for bitvec
- @fdehau and contributors for tui-rs
- @pothosware and contributors for soapysdr
- @kevinmehall and contributors for rust-soapysdr
- @johnwstandford for the original
- @cross-rs and contributors for cross
- adsb_deku and radar contributors
- dump1090_rs contributors
- @junzis for
- @mborsetti for airportsdta
- @hawkw for tracing
- @crossterm-rs for crossterm